Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Post the Eleventh

Wherein your Host Is Amused by the Co-op Sign

In fairness to Jones House (the co-op where I am staying for the month) they are TRYING to turn things around...

I understand the previous residents were put on probation for “deliberate destruction of ICC property.” The current crowd is doing a bit better -- entropy not intentional acts of destruction is doing most of the damage now. Objectively, the place is still a pit but at least they are TRYING…

And as evidence of these new efforts I submit to you, gentle readers, a sign that just appeared on the co-op front door. Apparently half of the disheveled people I see wandering through my hallways don’t live here. There should only be 14 people living here, but I see at least four or five sleeping on couches in the common room when I leave for class every morning.

So to fight this problem, the following sign appeared on the front door today:

If you want to sleep here tonight…
And you don’t have a contract…
And its because you are either:

a. A crackwhore
b. A homeless townie, who happens to be too lazy to get a job doing… anything!
c. Some other illegitimate, sketchy, worthless, coked up person


We will throw you out of our humble abode because:

1. You are trespassing
2. We hate you
3. We don’t care if or how you die
4. You may have fleas.
5. We think you are ALL <= losers

(ed: clearly they know R code)

6. You’re going to hell either way.

Like I said, at least the lads and lasses of Jones House are trying. And I can't complain much since the co-op was 50% less than all other housing options I looked at.


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